South Semoran
South Semoran is a diverse neighborhood. Residents live in single-family detached houses or apartment buildings. Most residents live in large or small apartments. Some apartment buildings have only one or two stories, while others have four or five stories.
South Semoran has many shopping centers and businesses nearby. There are plenty of places to eat around the neighborhood. You can shop in one of the local shopping centers or eat at a restaurant.
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South Semoran is a neighborhood in Orlando, Florida. South Semoran has a population of about 7,915. It is located in Orange County. Residents of South Semoran can expect to pay less than average for housing.
This makes South Semoran a popular place to live. Most homes in South Semoran were built between the years 1950 and 1969. Home ownership is lower in South Semoran than in most parts of Orlando.
Homeownership is also higher than the national average. In South Semoran, many people work in healthcare. There are also a number of businesses that have headquarters in the neighborhood. A great place to also visit is Lake Fredrica, Florida.
South Semoran is a mostly residential neighborhood. It is bordered by State Road 436 to the north, State Road 535 to the east, and Interstate 4 to the south and west. The neighborhood is in the city of Orlando.
Residents of South Semoran are in close proximity to the neighborhoods of Westpark, Winter Park, and Sanford. The neighborhood is home to the Florida Hospital Orange Park Medical Center. Florida Hospital is a major employer in South Semoran. Orlando iPhone Repair Orlando Florida Area Mobile Phone Repair.
Residents of South Semoran are within walking distance of several parks. These include West Park (1.5 miles), Westpark Lakeside Park (0.5 miles), and Lake Monroe (1 mile). There are also two libraries in the neighborhood.